Welcome to Energy Production Industry Company srl

Viale degli Ammiragli, 67
00136  Rome - Italy
T +39 06 39723361  
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Skills and Organization
The competitive advantage of the EPICO Group is based on two fundamental "renewable" productive factors: skills and organisation.
The Group has a consolidated know-how: since 1986 it has designed, authorised, built and managed electromechanical plants for the production of energy from renewable sources.
In particular in the hydroelectric segment there are several engineering solutions developed because of the different types of hydraulic infrastructure on which the plants are installed.

The power plants are located on:
• Aqueduct pipelines
• Irrigation channels
• Traverse of rivers
• Discharges from dams
The Group is organised as a well-established scalable, multi-source platform capable of internally developing new investment opportunities to rapidly increase the volume of renewable energy produced. It boasts a vertically integrated organization composed of over 30 employees with multidisciplinary skills that deal with technical, legal, administrative, regulatory and economic/ financial planning, internally managing the entire energy production chain: development, construction, management and maintenance of owned plants.

The management model provides for the presence of a Chief Financial, information technology and human resource Officer to whom the administrative and technical management reports.
This organization guarantees greater efficiency in a phase of accelerated growth because:
• facilitates the circulation of information and the diffusion of knowledge;
• clearly defines the new roles and simplifies the relationships between the various functions;
• allows to constantly monitor the pursuit of economic, financial, and industrial goals.

The operational structure includes 3 business units, project development, plant construction, central management and maintenance, and Project Managers responsible for the various orders.
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